



Chemistry majors at 欧宝体育app入口 become problem-solving scientists through hands-on experience at the undergraduate level — developing skills to set them up for successful careers in government, 行业, 教育, 医学, 还有私人机构. 学生将受益于实验室经验, 研究的机会, 在他们努力实现目标的过程中获得实习机会. 





合作是欧宝体育app入口化学课程的核心. Our teaching philosophy is to foster a colleague relationship between you and our faculty. 例如, classroom lectures are active learning environments where you work directly with faculty on problem-solving skills. 你还将在本科生研究机会上与教师合作, 实验室助教, 服务项目.


你的兴趣将决定你成为一名研究化学家的道路, 药剂师, 高中教师, 法医科学家, 或者任何职业——都取决于你自己. 


研究: 欧宝体育app入口的节目中, students are encouraged to start doing undergraduate research as early as freshman year, gaining you valuable hands on experience on techniques and instrumentation used in 行业, 研究实验室, 或者化学设施.


外展: R.O.C.K. (农村儿童化学拓展)在R.O.C.K. program you can work with local K-12 students to show that science (especially chemistry) is important in everyone's life and can be exciting. R.O.C.K. volunteers perform hands-on chemistry experiments and activities using mainly household products.  We focus on classroom visits (not stage presentations) in the 5 county area around SFU (Bedford, 布莱尔, 威尔士, 明显差异, 和萨默塞特). R.O.C.K. also looks at the role that chemistry will have in the future as well as how it will benefit our society


事务: Become that someone through enriched learning opportunities and community-engagement courses, 积极地影响世界的变化. 


仪器: Access to state-of-the-art facilities and instrumentation — beginning as a freshman — will set you up for success as a graduate student or chemistry professional. 



  • 化学俱乐部:  The 美国化学学会 Student Chapter is an organization dedicated to showing the university and the general community how fun science can be. 欧宝体育app入口主持和参加各种各样的校园活动, 包括全国化学周和太阳能5K. 欧宝体育app入口也与R密切合作.O.C.K. (Rural Outreach Chemistry for Kids) to offer our members many community service opportunities throughout the school year. 


  • Gamma Sigma Epsilon Chemistry honor Society is a national chemistry honor society founded in 1919 at Davidson College. The fraternity was created to promote academic excellence and undergraduate research scholarship in chemistry.  An invitation to membership in Gamma Sigma Epsilon is a coveted honor among students in chemistry.





课程 & 课程


你做过傅里叶变换红外光谱的实验吗? 那气相色谱呢?? 我是欧宝体育app入口化学系的本科生, you will gain invaluable lab and research experience that will catapult you into your future. The comprehensive curriculum is designed to position students to become successful no matter where you decide to go — whether it be graduate school or the workforce. 有化学学士学位或文学学士学位的选择, 你不仅会建立一个坚实的基础, but will also have the opportunity to combine your chemistry degree with other fields of study such as biology, 业务, 或者刑事司法. 环境化学浓度, 法医化学, 纳米技术, pre-医学, pre-pharmacy, 教育让你可以根据自己的兴趣自由调整学习, 并最终引导你走上实现目标的道路. 

  • 度路径
  • 学习目标
  • 认证
  • 校园:

    度路径描述课程目录 学习计划
    化学、B.A. 本人文学学士学位课程目录- 24/25学习计划



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    focus within Chemistry.S. 

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    化学、B.S.Duquesne 3 + 4 Pre-Pharmacy Concentration

    focus within Chemistry.S. 

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    focus within Chemistry.S. 课程目录- 24/25



    focus within Chemistry.S. 

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    focus within Chemistry.S. 

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    focus within Chemistry.S. 课程目录- 24/25



    focus within Chemistry.S. 课程目录- 24/25


    化学、B.S., LECOM 3+3 Pre-Pharmacy Concentrationfocus within Chemistry.S. 课程目录- 24/25学习计划

    化学、B.S., Salus验光前浓度

    focus within Chemistry.S. 课程目录- 24/25学习计划
    化学、B.S.、中学教育方向focus within Chemistry.S.课程目录- 24/25


    发酵化学 化学B.A. 辅修工商管理本人文学学士学位课程目录- 24/25学习计划
    化学小掌握现代化学的基本概念和原理课程目录- 24/25 
  • Upon successful completion of the undergraduate Chemistry program, you will be able to:
    • 能够使用和阅读化学式, 命名法和化学反应以及涉及化学计量学的计算, 混合物, 解决方案, 溶解度, 化学平衡
    • 描述和识别关系的能力, 结构和立体化学以及预测有机反应, 机理与综合
    • Ability to explain how cells and organisms sense and control their internal environment and respond to change, 以及分子结构如何决定功能
    • Ability to apply the laws of thermodynamics to evaluate conditions of chemical equilibrium and direction and rates of chemical reactions
    • Ability to describe the chemistry of metallic and nonmetallic elements and their industrial importance and to apply valence bond, molecular orbital theories and group theory in order to understand the properties and chemistry of inorganic complexes
    • Ability to read primary sources (peer reviewed literature) and verbally communicate chemical concepts effectively
  • As a Chemistry major, you will have the opportunity to earn an ACS certified degree. The 欧宝体育app入口 Chemistry 程序 has been approved by the 美国化学学会 to offer ACS certified degrees. An institution with an ACS-approved program in chemistry is committed to providing  a broadly based and intellectually challenging experience in chemistry. The ACS Committee on Professional Training (CPT) carefully evaluates a chemistry department’s program with respect to its breadth and depth, 化学系教员的资格, 设施是否充足, 仪表状况, 获取当前的化学文献, 以及有意义的研究经历的机会. An academic institution whose chemistry department meets the guidelines for ACS approval is placed on a nationally recognized list of approved chemistry programs.



Dedicated 研究ers; Passionate Teachers

欧宝体育app入口的化学教学团队,包括7名博士.D.-级成员和两名实验室讲师, 喜欢与每个新班级分享他们的学术研究和行业经验. This core group of educators allows us to offer students an outstanding 教育 in the chemical sciences. 如果你幸运的话, they may even share some insight on the latest blockbuster movie science from Hollywood.


程序的椅子: Dr. 米歇尔•Hargittai mhargittai@inonezl.com, 814.472.2775


Thanks to the solid foundation of our curriculum and the versatility of our chemistry program, 欧宝体育app入口的毕业生都成为了成功的医生, 药剂师, 牙医, 验光师, 老师, 研究人员, 法医科学家, 律师, 还有更多. 



  • 有了化学学位我能做什么?

    Chemistry provides so much opportunity for diverse career paths — from pre-医学, 研究, 到生物化学,毕业生可以根据自己的目标调整学习. 你可以读研究生院或医学院, 在实验室工作, 教高中化学, 成为一名公共卫生专家, 做一名环境工程师, 还有更多! 

  • R是什么?.O.C.K. 程序?

    农村儿童化学推广(R.O.C.K)是1995年由Dr. 爱德华·P. Zovinka和美国化学会学生分会(化学俱乐部). 通过动手实验和活动(主要使用家居产品), it demonstrates the importance of chemistry to local K-12 schools and youth organizations free of charge.

  • 我什么时候可以参与本科生研究?

    SFU的化学系希望你在大一的时候就参与研究.  The more time you are able to spend on a project the more you can learn and the more comfortable you become with chemistry laboratory skills. 

  • How big are your classes and do you have assistance available if I am falling behind?

    We have small class sizes; fewer than 30 students for freshman year classes and fewer than 10 students for upper-level classes.  The small class sizes give faculty time to work with students on an individual basis. 该大学还为所有学生提供免费导师.